Ruin Reconstruction / Lucifer’s Flood

The “Gap Fact”

The main focus on this website is the Ruin Reconstruction Gap Theory. Most of the brothers of the particular variant I am researching actually call it the “Gap Fact” and basically say and believe there is no theory about it, they claim emphatically that this is biblical doctrine.

List of Some Gap Fact Proponents Reviewed and Studied (alphabetical)

  • Perry Demopoulos – Author of “The Gap Fact” 2014
  • Dr. Gene Kim – Pastor @ San Jose Bible Baptist Church, San Jose, CA – Many YouTube videos on the subject
  • Jeffrey W Mardis – Author of “Notes on Darkness” and many books on amazon
  • Gregory A Miller – Pastor @ Bible Believers Fellowship in Ohio – Many Sermons on the subject via
  • Greg P Miller – Pastor @ Grace Harbor Church in IL, author of book “Creation – In the Beginning”
  • Dr. David Peacock – Pastor @ Bible Believers Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL – President @ The Bible Doctrine Institute
  • Michael Pearl – Author of “The Gap Fact and Out-Of-Whack Creation Scientism” 2018
  • Dr. Peter S Ruckman – Pastor, founder of Pensacola Bible Institute, author of many books, Genesis Full Commentary, Ruckman Study Bible
  • Jeff Trout – Pastor @ Bible Believers Church, Elizabeth, CO

Gap Fact in a Nutshell

  1. The time period “In the Beginning” in Gen 1:1
    was before the current Earth we live on.
    • It is based on the belief that the earth was complete in Genesis 1:1.
  2. Lucifer and the angels were created before the earth in Genesis 1:1.
    • The Bible verses quoted to justify this view are Job 38:4-7.
  3. Sometime before Genesis 1:2 the following happened:
    • Lucifer was given Dominion of the Genesis 1:1 Earth before Adam.
      • The Bible verse quoted to justify this view are Ezekiel 28:14.
    • Lucifer Sinned before the 6 days of creation.
      • The Bible verses quoted to justify this view are Isaiah 14:13-14.
    • God brought judgement on the earth in the form of a flood and Lucifer subsequently is believed to have lost his “first” throne/kingdom etc..
      • The Bible verses quoted to justify this view are 2 Peter 3:5-6.

Therefore, the Gap Fact Believer adheres to the following beliefs:

  • The Earth in Genesis 1:2 “BECAME” without form and void.
  • The Single Heaven in Genesis 1:2 “BECAME” darkness.
  • The Earth and the whole universe (Single Heaven) were flooded.
  • Genesis 1:3 is the beginning of Day 1 of the current earth which was “RESTORED or RECREATED“.

Other important notes about most of the brothers holding this interpretation of the Bible:

  • They do not in any way believe in Evolution/Theistic Evolution or Day Age Theory etc.. They believe the current earth is about 6000 years old.
  • They have zero idea how long this first earth lasted
  • They have zero idea how time was measured in this first earth as the first day doesn’t end until Genesis 1:5.