6 Days of Construction

Back at the beginning of Foundations of the Earth Discussion I quoted Michael Pearl from his Book “The Gap Fact”. He made a comment about construction that caught my mind when he said laying a foundation is “something you do before construction can begin.”

“God said the angels were present and shouting for joy when you laid the foundations==something you do before construction can begin.”

The Gap Fact and Out-of-Whack Creation Scientism – Michael Pearl – Page 20

The reason it caught my mind is that in 2014 my wife and I purchased raw land and eventually built a house on it. But laying the foundation was not something we did before construction/framing began. There were many other steps before we started framing anything. As I thought about Mr. Pearl’s statement I started thinking about how my own experience equated somewhat to the 6 days of creation.

My Construction Experience

  1. We needed the land (area/space) for our house. This was our purchase of the raw land.
    • Before we started framing we needed a bunch of unformed raw materials. Lumber for concrete forms, pipes for a well, and much, much more.
    • We needed electricity (energy) to power the well, run tools and provide light for working at night. Electricity (energy) was critical.
  2. Then before we built the foundation, I purchased a backhoe at an auction and spent weeks (no prior experience) grading, digging, leveling and spreading dirt out for the foundations location.

  3. Only after all this work did we begin building the foundation and forming our house.

  4. We finally moved in during 2021… It took us 7 years! Yes we then rested from construction for awhile! It was a process just like God’s creation was a 6 day process. Of course he is much faster then us!

God’s 6 Days of Construction

  1. Day 1: The area/space is the single Heaven; Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ​
    • The raw unformed materials are the Earth as it was first created; Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form,
    • God energized his raw materials in Genesis 1:2 … And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    • God’s single heaven was outside of eternity and inherently had no light. Before God starts doing anything else he flips on the lights: Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. ​
  2. Day 2: This is the creation of the Firmament on Day 2 Gen 1:6-8 when God Stretched the heavens. Once the Area (2nd Heaven/Firmament) was ready God Laid the foundations of the earth (gravity) and hung the earth on nothing.
  3. Day 3: The seas are made and the dry land is formed;
    • Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry [land] appear: and it was so.
    • Psalm 95:5 The sea [is] his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry [land].
      • Notice psalm 95:5 ties when he made the seas with him forming the dry land.
    • God didn’t leave the Earth without form (Gen 1:2), he wasn’t done with it, he formed it to be inhabited.
      • Isaiah 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that “created the heavens“; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I [am] the LORD; and [there is] none else.​
      • So much to unpack in this verse:
        • Notice heavens is plural. This is day 2.
        • Notice he formed the earth. It had to be without form before he formed it.
        • Notice the same sentence says formed/made/established/created. This is all in the beginning and all together, NOT after some judgement.
        • Notice the divine order:
          • created the heavens” is Day 2
          • formed the earth” is Day 3
          • he formed it to be inhabited” is also Day 3
  4. Days 4,5,6: God creates the sun, moon, stars, AND FINALLY the Inhabitants the earth was designed and built for.

Next I cover the obvious follow up question that most Gap Fact believers would have. If the foundations were not even laid until day 2 then when were the angels created?

Interestingly the previous study on foundations gave a glaring hint/statement as to when that was…. Let’s keep searching the scripture.

Next: The Creation of Lucifer and the Angels